时间:2017-12-08 10:43:30 点击:次
当年手工制作的大理石栏杆线条, 没有扎实的基本功,根本没办法完成。”20世纪70年代,蒋耀辉在当地已经小有名气,他参与了1977年北京毛主席纪念堂工程建设。提起当年的建设景,蒋耀辉仍记忆犹新。从事雕刻30多年来,他致力吸收现代美学的审美元素加以强烈现,在继承传统雕刻艺术的基础上推陈出新,开发出汉白龙眼面肌理。
The handmade stone plate to line, no solid basic skills, no way to complete. In 1970s, Jiang Yaohui was very famous in the local area, and he participated in the construction of the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Beijing in 1977. Jiang Yaohui still remembers the construction scene of the year. In the past 30 years, he has been committed to absorbing the aesthetic elements of modern aesthetics, and has been developing vigorously on the basis of inheriting traditional sculpture.
As one of the representatives of the marble railing of Chiang's family, Jiang Yaohui's name was often brought up by the industry, which was derived from his distinctive artistic concept. His marble balustrade sculptures never walk the way of others and strive to create their own characteristics. He once said that a stone should be considered the essence of heaven and earth and the rhyme between people.
In the "hometown of carving marble railings, early Taiwan architects from Chongwu surnamed Jiang master is very respected, there is" no Jiang Bucheng argument. One of the master of Arts in Fujian Province, Jiang Yaohui is the inheritor of carving chiang.