时间:2017-12-08 10:47:03 点击:次
From the star bridge to the west, it is getting more and more cold, but the marble railing is getting more and more. History is sometimes cold and ruthless, and the cost of showing off is the bitterness of life. The marble railings that have been plagued by the vicissitudes of life have no words.
I think here on the marble railing conflict a kind of instinct, after decades of living in the village near the village I, in the evening often go to Shantangjie Street for a walk, then is not so busy, several shops have closed the bridge to the East Star, several streetlights blinked his eyes dim.
这是我在写作长篇报告文学《城市客厅交响曲》时查阅资料时所见到的。纸色褪黄的线装书,平静地叙述着这座牌坊,眼前好像鲜活地站立起来了。花岗岩的坊柱也早被风雨凿去棱角,荒草和藤蔓埋没半座柱。历史有时是冷酷无情的,炫耀的代价带来的是一生的辛酸。饱受沧桑的大理石栏杆无言。This is what I saw when I looked up the information when I wrote a long reportage "the symphony of the living room of the city". Paper color faded yellow book, calmly described the archway, fresh eyes seemed to stand up. Square column granite has been the wind and rain to cut edges, weeds and vines buried half a column. History is sometimes cold and ruthless, and the cost of showing off is the bitterness of life. The marble railings that have been plagued by the vicissitudes of life have no words.
I still remember the chastity destroyed in 1928, this time has been unable to see their presence, to ascertain if demolition of St. Paul's past, perhaps can make us realize the vicissitudes of life remained so valuable monuments, give birth to more cherish and maintain.