时间:2017-12-06 14:12:32 点击:次
大理石栏杆大家应该都见过,近年来大理石栏杆非常受大家的喜爱,大理石栏杆的英文名字叫:Stone blaustrade。大理石栏杆可以用各种石材和石料都可以制作,大理石栏杆是由:柱头、立柱、栏板、报鼓、地铺石组成的。
Marble baluster should be seen, in recent years, marble railings are very popular with everyone, the English name of the marble railing is called Stone blaustrade. Marble railings can use a variety of stone and stone can be produced, marble balustrade is composed of: stigma, column, steeplechase, drum, paving stone.
The main function of marble railing is play the role of protection, but also can be used to divide the space, especially the garden building became an essential component of marble railing structure can be stopped by maintenance, the different areas separated, but not between the partition area, can play the role of landscaping and embellishment.