时间:2017-11-28 10:03:12 点击:次
There are many kinds of stone for making marble rails. Stones are soul and not dead. Watermelons in the seams of stone are also extremely sweet.
"If it's not a se - melon, it's a problem to live in a very dry place like this. Last year, selenium melons brought us nearly 160 thousand yuan of income. Even this year, the harvest was less than the previous year, but it was better than working and planting crops. "Dark skinned watermelon Yu Xuechuan said.
In the long-term exploration, the local people through the pressure of sand, covered with a layer of 10 to 15 cm thick gravel particles in the land, planted in sand soil under the watermelon can reasonable use of light and heat resources, effectively saving water, increasing temperature and moisture and trace elements of zinc and selenium in the sand is also converted to watermelon, which is named after the selenium sand melon.
7月21日的时候瓜农在三眼井乡红圈村将硒砂瓜装车。新华社记者 王鹏 摄7月21日,瓜农在宁夏中卫市三眼井乡红圈村将硒砂瓜装车。
In July 21st when the watermelon in the red circle village three Wells Township selenium sand melon loading. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Peng photo in July 21st, watermelon three Wells Township village of Ningxia city to the red circle centre selenium sand melon loading.
Every July when a big watermelon, sweet, thick skin resistance selenium sand melon storage has become a national businessmen eyes "xiangbobo". There are many kinds of stone for making marble rails. Stones are soul and not dead. Watermelons in the seams of stone are also extremely sweet.